Monday, November 30, 2009

I have a blog? Oh yeah....

Hello blog! I have forgotten about you, I sincerely apologize. My mind has been busy as of late. I am pregnant!!!! Holy Moly! Number 3 on its way in early June of next year. My first trimester was a slightly rougher than the previous two, but I am feeling MUCH better! Again, I'll have two babies in diapers, but life will be splendid none the less. Three shall be a wonderful circus of family life, I can't wait!
I will be done with my Craniosacral program in January, time has FLOWN by! I am excited to continue to work throughout this pregnancy and get back to work after the baby is born. Nothing seems to phase me anymore, I am always expecting changes in life, its a good thing I am comfortable with redirection. Someday I hope to sit and watch the sunset on the porch with Russell, but for now I am thrilled with new adventures. Onward and upward!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Warp speed

Why do I feel like I have somehow missed the last year? Where did all the time go? Its almost cold here (well in a couple more months we might need long pants for a few days). Orion is ALMOST 2!!! He is talking up a storm, and has become quite the ladies man. Leilani is 3 and a half and is simmering in all her "3-ness". It must be hard to be 3, you're not a baby, but you are not a big kid either. Its almost like adolescence, stuck in between. The days are very long right now, but the months are non-existent. I had wanted to slow things down, but it has been harder than expected.
We are all still eating a gluten free vegan diet over here, which has its pros and cons. All I want to eat right now is fall food, soup, stew, pasta, more soup. That doesn't vary much for my poor starving family. The kids are happy with almost anything (leilani has become fairly picky as of late), but at least she loves butternut squash soup. It has been such an overhaul for us, but I am loving the health that comes with it.
I can't wait to post pics of our family Halloween costumes! Leilani is going to be Sleeping Beauty and has requested that we (her royal court) attend to her. Russell shall be her Prince (but of course), I the Queen, and Orion the ferocious tiny dragon. Russ will even have HAIR for the day, how fabulous, what a sport! We love Halloween around here, although my kids know very little about candy, since they never get any. They eagerly await their daily vitamins, that's how much they know of candy. ;-) Halloween is more about the pretend than the candy (for now). We will offer a trade again this year for all of the candy loot.
I promise to keep up more with this poor blog, as soon as I can figure out how to slow time down. Pictures to come, I promise!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Summer vacation

Perhaps when its over 100 degrees for over 40 days in a row your brain starts to melt, and everything runs together. It seems as if the summer just started and here we are nearly the official school start. I have really slooooowed things down this summer, I even tried to put the brakes on my kids getting older, but alas they continue to sprout before my eyes.

Since I dramatically changed our families eating habits nearly 3 months ago, I guess I changed the way we lived along with it. I am really ok with the kids being 'bored', it means I am not over scheduling them. Although I haven't seen our playgroup friends as much as I would like, maybe when every body's schedules become more concrete in the fall we'll see them more often. If you haven't seen us in a while its because I am at Whole Foods or in the kitchen, or playing trucks with Orion while Leilani is at school.

The last few months have FLOWN by, and in a few weeks I go back to school again, how can that be? I even got a couple requests for work in Sept and October... are we really THAT close? yikes. It looks like I need to slow things down even more. Hmmm if only I could pause time.

We DID have some fun this summer, even if it was fast.

Leilani got to travel to North Carolina with Russell to visit Abuela and Grandpa Jim (Russell's parents). Orion and I got a quiet week together, which showed me just how much his world revolves around his sister. Leilani got to see beautiful waterfalls and head out on the lake for some fishing, fun fun fun.

Both of the kids took a week of swim lessons with "Dean" up at the Good Earth Day School pool. They loved the water, hopefully we can get them another lesson soon, keep those skills up!

And Russ and I just got back yesterday from Seattle. Our friend Traci married a great guy, Dale, on Saturday, but we took the opportunity to stay a few extra days to soak in the fantastic NW weather! (ok it was cloudy and drizzly, but it was in the 60's who could ask for a better break?!)

Russ was a great sport the entire trip. He's not much for the clouds, but I LOVE them! He even agreed to go on a guided boat tour in the fore casted rain, what a sweetheart. We traveled all over the city and even headed up the ride the ferry all around the San Juan islands, out to Friday Harbor and back. (We honeymooned in Friday Harbor 5 years ago) I ADORE Seattle. If the rest of my family would follow me, I'd move there in a heartbeat.

I found a cafe online (in a search for vegetarian restaurants) where we ate twice. The Flying Apron Bakery in Fremont is Vegan and gluten free, serving cafe lunches and baked goods. I had to stock up on baked goods for my next morning breakfasts too. It made me want to open a bakery just like it here in Austin, seriously. I MUST find a recipe for the maple berry layered cake they had, it was heavenly! They don't use any preserves in their food and almost everything in their store is organic, wahoo! With that restaurant and the fact we were a mile from a fantastic Whole Foods store, we had no trouble finding food to eat on our trip, whew!

Glad to be home, ready for the fall to come. I know I know, it won't be fall here until November, but I can't wait!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Wow! A month already?

It has officially passed the month mark on my adventure with eating vegan.... and we will continue. I am feeling fantastic! And Orion, sweet little Orion is flourishing! Russell is a good sport and really understands the "why?" of how we are eating. I am blessed to be married to someone who "gets" me and the way I think. And when he doesn't understand he is still patient and willing to go along for the ride. The food we've been eating has been full of flavor and fills our tummies! I have also started drinking Kombucha as it has enormous digestive benefits. I promised Russell I would only try it for 2 weeks (by the $3.59 bottle) and if I wanted to continue I'd start making my own, wahoo! So far, so good! I'll have to update again if things start to change, otherwise this is most likely a permanent change (at least for me and possibly Orion)
The cookbook that is shown above is our new eating bible practically. The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook (click link to purchase) We LOVE the delicious recipes in this book, ans she gives great tips and descriptions on preparing whole foods. I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone, not just vegetarians. There are a few tasty looking meat recipes in there too. Check it out. I also have a link to her blog on my blog list, definitely worth looking at! (I am in no way affiliated with this company, I just REALLY love the cookbook! )

I am starting to feel more connected with purpose, with the planet, my work, my family and everything else. When the food fog clears its amazing to see what was not visible before. The Biodynamic Craniosacral work that I do is all about lifting "the veil" to reveal what is normally "unseen" and to offer space and a renewed sense of original purpose for the client. When I am more clear in what I feel, the work unfolds exponentially. I have been in class for 4 days this week and already I have noticed the extra depth in my work that was not present over a month ago. And no the picture above does not mean I am pregnant, its representative of my ability to see the whole picture clearer and in a different way than before. :-)
I am trying to bring in more Craniosacral clients into my practice, I know that this work has substantial benefits and I'd LOVE to be able to share it with more people.

Monday, June 1, 2009


I decided to post this video since it had an impact on my food eating choices. It was sent to me from a dear friend, and I can't resist sharing. It's a You Tube video set to Alanis Morisette's song "Offer".
I felt sick to my stomache that I had been consuming in excess food that was not even food, while people all over the world struggle to survive, day in and day out. By taking advantage of the wholesome foods the Earth has to offer, I am not supporting huge factory farms who destroy our rainforests and pollute our soil. The grain that is grown in most countries is primarily raised to feed farm animals, instead of feeding the people who have nothing to eat. This video is pretty powerful in that respect.

Alanis Morissette - Offer

Who am I to be blue
Look at my family and fortune
Look at my friends and my house

Who am I to feel deadend
Who am I to feel spent
Look at my health and my money

And where
Where do I go to feel good
Why do I still look outside me
When clearly I've seen it won't work

Is it my calling to keep on when I'm unable?
And is it my job to be selfless extraordinary?
And my generosity has me disabled
By this my sense of duty to offer

And why
Why do I feel so ungrateful
Me who is far beyond survival
Me who see life as an oyster

Is it my calling to keep on when I'm unable?
And is it my job to be selfless extraodinary?
And my generosity has me disabled
By this my sense of duty to offer

And how
How dare I rest on my laurels
How dare I ignore an outstretched hand
How dare I ignore a third world country

Is it my calling to keep on when I'm unable?
And is it my job to be selfless extraodinairy?
And my generosity has me disabled
By this my sense of duty to offer

2 weeks in

And no new blog to keep track of my vegan switch over, why? BECAUSE I AM ALWAYS IN THE KITCHEN COOKING! :-) Actually there is some truth in that jest. I have been cooking A LOT, but wonderful fresh food. Last week I fed my family over 90% freshly prepared food, not from a box or can. For ME, that is a miracle. I am loving the way I feel, in fact I am pleased to say that I am feeling better now than I did several years ago. The first week was hard, not in the desire to eat meat or consume dairy products, but my body was detoxing from all that meat eating. I actually feel lighter, (technically I am lighter by 6 pounds too), but I am feeling lighter in the belly and less brain fog to boot.
I have never had the desire to learn to cook before, in fact I'd go as far to say that I despised cooking. Part of that hate was my anger at food for making my baby sick or rashy. It was my way to detach from food. Besides, food was making me feel ill and disconnected from the Earth. Most of our family meals consisted of brown rice (pre-cooked and frozen, then microwaved), a boring veggie with little to no seasoning, and a meat (mostly turkey, fish, occasional bison, or lamb). zzzzzzzzzzz. boring I know. I was feeling trapped by Orion's food sensitivities, and my lack of desire to do more.

I don't know what struck me to change the way I was viewing food. All I know is that I actually look forward to buying whole foods and preparing yummy meals and snacks for my family. I am excited to learn new recipes I can try, the kids have LOVED all the muffins I've made.

Leilani is in a phase where she doesn't want to try anything I make (I am sure its just the age talking) and Orion has been game for almost everything, and so far his digestive system is tolerating everything we've given him, and we've tried a lot of new food with him. Russell, sweet Russell has been a good sport so far. I told him that if he wanted junk food or meat he'd have to buy it himself, and so far he's ok with that arrangement. I think he's having a harder time adjusting to life with far less meat. He even requested the Sunflower Seed Burgers again. :-)

Doing this much food prep and cooking has made me re-evaluate my family priorities as well. I am a big fan of "slow parenting" please visit , which puts family above social agenda. I want even more time with my kids, better time, more connection. Somehow by making the time to be home to cook, I have chosen to be with my family more than before, and I love it. I even woke up at 5:30am on Sunday morning to make my kids from- scratch pancakes, and it felt way better than our usual waffles in the toaster routine. I am even considering taking Orion out of school for a year so I can have some one on one time with him when Leilani is at school.

Things, they are a shifting.. and I am loving the ride!
I want to add, I have been cooking almost soley by my new favorite cookbook and healthy eating guide the Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook. Her blog always has great recipes and tips too.
I know this is boring for those of you who already cook like this.. but I am an excited newbie, so I took pics of my new cooking skills ;-)
purple cauliflower, who knew?
Curry cauliflower and carrot soup, with coconut milk, and some kale, rice, and chickpea "salad"
Orion devouring his banana and apple muffin for his half birthday celebration!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Vegan for a month?

Over the past 2 months or so I have hemmed and hawed over trying to eat less meat and dairy, and more veggies and grains. Since our eating has been completely changed by the last 18 months, this new step really doesn't seem as difficult as it might have a year and a half ago.

I am dabbling with being a vegan and with macrobiotics. The ideas make perfect sense to me, but it may be a difficult road ahead with the transformation. I understand that food has a dramatic effect on our bodies, and how the body functions with every bite. I get it. I just have a hard time actually following through, since I've had my whole life to eat whatever I felt like eating without thinking of how it might affect me. I am so emotionally attached to food that it feels like I am breaking up a 30 year relationship, granted this doomed relationship has been showing me some big red flags over the past couple of years. I cling to the thought of food and how it makes me feel, but on the other hand I am ready for a drastic change.

I love you ice cream, but I think it's time for you to move on, you are no good for me, or my family.

Ok, so what am I cutting out? Anything that had a mother, including eggs, milk and all milk products, soy, refined sugar, and caffeine (that will be a b*!@% to give up) and most other nasty products like saturated fats and high fructose corn syrup (although we eat extremely little to none of that right now). Plus we don't eat wheat at home, I don't eat it at all.

For how long? At least 60 days. 30 days to rid our bodies of these foods, and a month to try it out fully. If we feel better and the kids are still thriving and happy, we'll continue, if not we'll re-evaluate.

I have made lots of vegan friends over the last 8 years who have proven that people can survive on dandelion green salads and still be happy in life. I thought they were CRAZY 8 years ago, now I am hopping in the veggie boat and sailing off with my quinoa and kale in hand.

I am considering posting a separate blog to post all my trials and tribulations of my biggest food experiment yet. No need to update everyone on this blog. I'll post a link on the side, if you are bored and want to follow me through this. :-)

Wish me luck!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cleared for take-off!

Our large, sweet yet dumb dog Ben LOVES to run. Along the fence line. A lot. See, we live on a corner lot, where the school bus passes every morning and afternoon, the UPS trucks zip back and forth, and the kids ride their bikes to and fro. And Ben, chases every single one of them, jumping every 10 feet or so to peek his head over the fence to say hello. Literally jumping straight up he charges up and down the 50 or so feet of our yard. Needless to say, he has made a path, well, let me change that, he has made a 4 feet wide path of mud. The grass has been destroyed as well as the ground beneath it. So we have begun a large landscaping project, I now affectionately call Ben's "runway". We are adding gravel to his path, in hopes we can eliminate the large mud pit, and the kids can play in the backyard without the need for an immediate bath (dog included). The rocks are being delivered this morning, but we still have LOTS of work to be done before they even get touched. I spent almost 7 hours in the yard yesterday digging down 5 inches, so the rocks have a bed to lay in. Russ gets to install the edging and weed control stuff while I work, then we both get to haul rocks for what seems to me will be forever.

Let's just hope the dog will actually run on the gravel. If he starts the run on the grass next to it, I am going to cry. :-) Whew! Off to work!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Food: my love/hate relationship with a life essential

I am going crazy and needed somewhere to vent... here I go!

Since the first days after sweet Orion was born 17 months ago, I have battled with food.

I should preface, I have always struggled with food in some ways. My rear has a close relationship with the sugar habit I have had since childhood. But the current fight is of a different kind.

This battle come in the form of food sensitivities and allergy type reactions to food and beverages. Both Orion and I have adjusted our intake of food to what feels like for me a substantial level. When the little dude was born I started having horrible headaches and backaches, which were not being relieved by Chiropractic care, Advil, heat, ice, nada. I figured out that I should try to eliminate gluten and sugar from my diet, which I did and I got instant relief from the headaches etc. At the same time, Orion's eczema and ALL over body rashes started within weeks of birth, as pictured below. He itched so bad it BROKE my heart!
Here begins the start of food elimination diets to heal my poor baby. Nothing has been the same since. I cut out all trigger foods from my diet (since we nursed for his first 9 months), that included tomatoes, white potatoes, eggplant, peppers, cow's milk, eggs, soy, wheat, fish, and nuts. AND we cut out shellfish, red meat.. and so much more I can't even remember. We also changed ALL soaps, shampoos, deoderant, etc in the house over and over.
I lost A LOT of weight, partially because all I ate was chicken, rice and veggies, it seemed. Orion's rashes diminished and were just little patches on his face for the most part.

Once he self weaned at 9 months onto formula his face cleared up. There must have been something I didn't eliminate that was still bothering him.

He was late to start solid foods, because I had developed a true fear of feeding my baby. Once he started eating real food... the diaper rashes started. This poor kid has had a diaper rash for at least half of his life. And not just red.. sometimes bleeding and comes about instantaneously. I sometimes get nauseous and tear up when I change him because I can't stop the pain. Its agonizing. And no they aren't yeast infections either.. we've tried everything. His cloth diapers became a nightmare because no matter how they were washed they reeked when he even peed.

So where does this all leave us now? Mortified to eat. I am in a state of terror when I feed him a new food. Yesterday, Russell was eating strawberries on his granola and we gave Orion 1/2 of one in tiny pieces. He loved it. Then he begged for more... "taw-bay-we" over and over. Tears literally shot from his eyes onto his highchair tray. It was truly the saddest thing I have ever seen. My heart broke in a million pieces, so I gave him a bit more. I haven't seen any major reaction, so we are giving him more today. We do this for every new food. This child has yet to experience the world of delicious foods... ice cream, pineapple, oranges, berries, mango, the list goes ON and ON. I can't explain the amount of sadness I have in not being able to feed my child whatever he desires to try. And he wants to try EVERYTHING!

For a girl who LOVES food, this is torture. It also leads me to feel tremendous guilt whenever we leave the safety of the house. I can't just take him out to eat, there isn't anything I can just grab while I am "out", or that he can share at a playdate with his friends. If I run errands close to lunchtime and they get hungry, I have to rush home.

If he eats a new food and breaks out in a rash, I feel guilty. If he is still starving because he's eaten all the turkey I have cooked, and I don't have any other food to give him.. I feel awful. I am not kidding you I had a semi-panic attack a week ago when I realized we were out of gluten free waffles for breakfast. There is really nothing else he eats in the am. I hate myself for not understanding his triggers, somehow it feels like my fault. I am his mother, I should be keeping him healthy and happy. (I do understand that this isn't my fault.. but I grew him in my body and birthed him gently into this world.. so I feel a sense of responsibility to him)

We have taken him to many pediatricians AND a great Naturopath, but none have truly been "it". Nobody has been able to tell me anything but "he'll grow out of it", or "his blood allergy test says he's only allergic to eggs and oats, so you should be able to feed him everything else". Phooey on you people, thanks for the no help. I would prefer someone actually says... "I have NO idea, here is a list of other kinds of specialists that might help", but so far.. nobody has given me names. So I am on a search for a pediatric gastroenterologist. I think its his gut, and his inability to digest food properly.

As for me, once I started to use hormones at 8 months post, my body went haywire. I didn't notice how awful I felt until January or so. Once I stopped with the hormones I felt less crazy and somewhat healthier, but there is STILL something going on. I have all sorts of weird symptoms, that I won't discuss online, that are beginning to worry me. I guess I need to find some specialists for myself as well. All of these elimination diets are MAKING ME CRAZY! I just can't take it any more, Sometimes I dream about eating a "fully leaded" pizza... with a flour crust and covered with tomato sauce and cheese, and all the things I haven't been eating. I ache to go to the Alamo Drafthouse and order a pizza and a beer, maybe even a pitcher. ;) Alas, that is not going to happen until I can figure out what is going on.

ahh. I feel better just being able to write all of this out. This has been the hardest thing I have ever dealt with for such a sustained period of time. Big deep breath. It will all be ok, for both of us. He is a happy little fireball and I a happy mom, all that is truly important is well.

pic by

Monday, April 20, 2009

Independent Project

The Craniosacral program that I am in is the equivalent of a Masters program. It has been the most eye opening and brain stretching information I have ever studied, and I LOVE it! Over the 2 year course (of which I am over half way through, WOW!) I am required to do an independent study project and write up some sort of paper to explain what I have learned, and how I arrived there. This part of the program was giving me heart palpitations since its been a while since I have had to write 12 pages of anything, let alone about something that is technical and extraordinary. The plain option was to do a 12 page write up of all the cranial nerves and their functions etc... OR do your own chosen project. Cranial nerves???? No thanks too technical, although I still need to know all the info anyway. So where does that leave me? Kids.
I am going to write up detailed descriptions of my sessions with kiddos from birth to age 5, and find out the extra specifications to working with children. So if you get a note from me asking to bring your kids in to see me, you'll know why.
I am looking forward to doing more Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy with my clients as time goes on. The work can be life changing, and just down right awesome. Want a really detailed description of what I do?.. read this. (by John Chitty RCST

Ok, so I just posted this entry but I have since had what they call an epiphany! I am going to keep my final project under wraps until I have more of a handle on how to present it.. I will re-write a new post when that all happens. Should be good!! :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Yeehaw! It's bluebonnet season!

It's time again for annual bluebonnet photos!!! Its the one thing I LOVE about Texas! Being a transplant, I am sure I am more excited about bluebonnets than the locals who have seen them every year since birth and could care less. It is a sure sign of spring and warm, ok make that HOT months ahead! We have taken bluebonnet photos since Leilani was 4 weeks old, and will continue until they think they are too cool to pose for photos off the side of 1431 (gasp! their friends might see them! ;) )
This year its obvious how much they love playing with each other. They are coming into such a fun relationship now, it usually so fun to watch them together.

I can't seem to find all the digital files from previous years, but you get the idea! Enjoy!
Oh, and the music is by George Strait, Texas..
awww... sweet little Leilani 4 weeks old
Leilani 13 months
Orion 5 months
Leilani 2 years

Leilani 3 years Orion 16 months (this years pics)

Supposedly she's trying to catch him, but it looks very similar to other acts of sibling love ;)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 giveaway!

The wonderful Catherine from has put up a full hour massage as her livemom giveaway this week!! Brought to you by ME! So, if you haven't already, head on over to and enter a reply in the comment section to enter yourself into the random drawing for the FREE one hour session! How awesome is that?!! is a great local blog by a mother of two. Catherine writes about local events, businesses, and other delights about being a mom and living in Austin. Keep your eye out in the near future for a post all about yours truly and my business. Quick.. get on over to before Sunday to enter into the drawing!!
I am also listed on livemom's "Save On, Mom" Discount Card, which saves you $10 off any service when you show me your "Save On, Mom" card! While you are entering into the giveaway, sign up for your discount card too! It's free to get one right now, normally priced at $24.95.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


On Monday night I had the privilege of attending a Blessingway for 5 of the beautiful women in my mother's group. All of which are full with child... and are due to give birth between a few weeks from now and sometime in June. These lovely ladies are preparing for their second child... and all have a 3 year old (or close to) at home.

A Blessingway is similar to a baby shower, only its just about the mother and her transformation into motherhood and preparation for birth. We made them all special strings of beads to take with them during their labors. Each bead was carefully chosen for specific reasons by each attendee and strung with love. We shared our hopes for each new mother for their births and for their families once the babies arrive.

Several of the women have chosen me to attend their births as their doula, which humbles me to no end. I hope I can bring some grounding presence to their births, and help them (and their wonderful husbands) feel safe and strong throughout this wondrous process.

Each mama is so special and will be such wonderful mother of two! I am looking forward to meeting their new little ones oh so very soon!

They each got henna on their bellies, so beautiful! Please see my friend Andrea's blog for fabulous pics of the blessingway and all the henna art.

My wish for Heather... that your sweet baby finds the best way to navigate the birth anatomy and that he makes a swift and pain free entrance into this world. I know that you and your hubby will be so prepared to meet him (SOON) and excited to move forward as a family of four from the first moment. I hope your daughter loves him more than anything else in the world and that she really will bring all of his toys back to him. ;) You are an extraordinary mother and friend, I honor you.

My wish for Tanya... that your little flower encourages your body to work at its full potential from the first moment. You two are a beautiful team (you and your flor) and will work in perfect union from the first sign of labor to holding her in your arms. You and your man are solid, and will create such a safe space for your girls. Your sweet girls are lucky to have you and D as their parents, lucky lucky lucky! You are an extraordinary mother and friend, I honor you.

My wish for Andrea... that this little baby girl is kind to your body during labor. I hope she listens to your cues as much as you will be listening to hers. I wish you the same strength you had with your first birth, and hope this one is faster and smooth sailing from start to finish. I hope your son adores her as much as you do and that he learns to protect her and keep her safe. You will be an amazing mother of two, I'll have to take notes ;) You are an extraordinary mother and friend, I honor you.

My wish for Gale... that this sweet baby induces his or her own labor in a timely manner. :) The he/she gives you a phenomenal birth experience that will be exquisitely written about on her blog someday. I am wishing you a fast, pain free and intervention free labor and birth (unless needed or totally desired) that leaves you totally satisfied. You are an extraordinary mother and friend, I honor you.

My wish for Sharon... that this baby boy's grand entrance will be nothing but ordinary, and beautiful. I hope those "birthing hips" get to do just what they were designed to do. ;) I am sending out the best vibes for you to get this baby to bring on labor all by himself (when the time is perfect) and that he knows exactly what to do. You remind me of San Diego, not because you lived there but because you are pure sunshine. I am hoping this baby has all of your qualities, and I can't wait to meet him! You and your hubby will do splendid in labor and birth... I am so excited for you! You are an extraordinary mother and friend, I honor you.

Mamas... please know just how excited I am for all of you... and that my support is always available. Enjoy the rest of your pregnancies (as short as that might be), remember each tiny movement and savor everything. Allow yourself the opportunity to cocoon and transform, into this new role and second leg of this crazy adventure of parenthood. Enjoy being pregnant goddesses for a little while longer, and then welcome. Welcome to the other side. :) Big hugs to all of you!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME!

I am 30 years old today. I have always loved birthdays, but this year feels extra special. Not because I am an "adult" or because it moves me out of the crazy twenties... but because I feel content with my life. I like who I have become over the past 30 years. I feel like I have learned to accept myself with all my flaws and strengths. I look back at photos, some of which I will share with you... and I sometimes do not recognize the shy girl in the photo. I ran the gambit of introvert and extrovert, fat and thin, happy and depressed... all to get to where I am now. I had a wonderful fun and love filled childhood which I sometimes still feel like I am in. I keep waiting for the time when I will feel "all grown up", but it hasn't seemed to arrive yet. I don't expect that it will, at least I hope I always feel young "at heart". My tween years were spent following, and my teens a bit more leading. In high school I found myself with mentors who helped me realize my potential. They saw something in me that I had not seen myself yet. I will always be thankful for their encouragement and guidance. It wasn't until I landed in massage school that I saw myself for who I truly was or what I was capable of. Since then I have followed my heart and it has lead into this beautiful life I live at this moment. I look forward to my children's 30th birthdays and the lifetime of love within our family. I truly appreciate the wonderful friendships I have (some of the best I've had in my life) and the close family relationships that fill my heart. I am thankful I have all of you in my life. You make my days radiate with sunshine and joy!! :) So Happy Birthday to me! I am thrilled to be 30, looking forward to 40, 50 and beyond!

Enjoy the photos. Yes, Mom and Dad.. there is a "scandalous" photo on here, but that is part of the patchwork of how I got from there to here! Loved every minute of it! ;)
5 days old (on left) 3 months old (on right)!
everybody has nekked pics right? 12 months old
20 months old... broken femur
Look how fun I was at 2!!! ;)
3rd B-day party, looks like my friends were having a great time!
Queen Sara 4 years old
Hula Sara 4 or nearly 5
5th B-day celebrated at Disneyland! Wahoo!
Age 6 Wheeeeeee!
Camp Reed Age 6 or 7, Indian Princesses with Dad
Christmas age 7
Valentine's Day 2nd grade
Road trip to CO age 8
Grandma and Grandpa's condo age 9
Started violin age 10 (I believe I stopped at 11 hehe, sorry Dad)
6th grade Halloween
Pinni and Rainbow age 12
7th grade Mom's night at Jr. High
8th grade "formal" with friends

9th grade jumping off bridge with Shawn
10th grade started with football team as trainer / manager
Senior pics taken with Marty Marmot (junior year)
Senior trip to Disneyland w/ Mom and friend
gasp! Got inked in Lake Tahoe at 18
Dorm roommate Melia at Washington State, Pullman WA
Halloween Horror Nights age 19, Livin' large in Orlando FL
Age 20 Manito Park, Spokane WA
21 back in FL for a visit!
Age 23, met Russell! Yellowstone trip
Age 24 getting married next day!
Married bliss at 24

Preggo and livin' in TX at 25
Sweet Leilani born at 26
Pregnant again at 27! Welcome Orion!
28 and goin' smooth

29!! (